By Sanco Ese

I have said this before, let me say it again for the records.

I have been reading debates for and against, the need for Isoko Senator come 2023 within the past few months an it is pertinent I air my view on this contentious issue.

I want to state here that going by zoning formula the Itsekiris ought to produce the next Senator from Delta South. It is on good record that the isokos have been represented by Sen Spanner Okpozo and Sen Stella Omu while the Ijaws were also represented by Sen. James manager.

The two tribes have taken their turns to represent their people at the Hallowed Chamber, it is now the turn of the Itsekiri people , it is the only fair path to take beside the fact that it is just the right thing to do for the sake of peace , equity and enduring unity

It will be foolhardy for the Isokos to want to produce the next Senator against the background that doing so will foreclose thier chances of producing the next Governor of Delta state come 2031.

Those that want to plunge the Isoko people into this wicked plot do not mean well for the Isoko nation , they should be completely rejected for nursing such inordinate, evil and utterly divisive and wicked ambition

It is morally impossible and Political incorrect for the Isoko ethnic nationality to serve in the Senate for 8 years and there after aspire to be the Governor of Delta state consecutively come will definitely place them on a very disadvantage position during the Governorship race.

When the time for an Isoko Senator comes, no-one can stop it and they will not need a fading, weak, corrupt, deceitful, dishonorable, treacherous, anti-Itsekiri and ethnic hegemonist to represent them at the National Assembly like that man in the opposition party.

Hon Micheal Diden, the PDP Senatorial candidate , Delta South is one man whom I have nothing but respect and love for, His love, remarkable courage and sheer passion for his people and their cause is boundless and unfathomable.

I say this because the Isoko people are known for their sense of Sacrifice and objectivity.

The fact that some politicians seek to turn logic on its head in other for them to achieve thier inordinate ambition is disappointing and unacceptable and, if not handled properly, has the potential of leading to a major ethnic animosity and crisis. I say this because Hon Michael Diden is a pan Delta that is deeply loved by millions from all over the country and majority of youths from other ethnic nationalities rever and adore him.

I have no iota of doubt that he will win convincingly owing to his popularity and street credibility.

This was a man that had what I would describe as a Mahatma Ghandi-like quality.

That is to say he is one man that is prepared to sacrifice everything and anything for his beliefs, his people and his cause.

Those leaders and aspirants that are threatening the good and civilized people of Isoko who believe in the Itsekiri candidacy are not only evil ,self centered and mischievous they are selfish and self serving .

One thing is sure , the candidate in the opposition party can humiliate those who stand for him , they can pour scorn on those who love him , they can threaten those who speak for him and they can bribe those who work for him. they can intimidate and torment and they can use their kingly power to abuse and coerce his supporters.

They can make intimidation and humiliation one of thier 7 point agenda yet ultimately they will fail because, like all beastly tyrants, they have forgotten the power of God in all thier subterranean wickedness and in all your sinister schemes to upturn the mandate of God and it divinity.

May God allow common sense to prevail in Isoko land ijn

My name is
Sanco Ese
National Secretary Delta Political Vanguard aka God’s Pen of Intervention

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