By Sanco Ese

It was the insensitivity and cluelessness of the All Progressive Congress that led to this massive political revolution that swept across the country in the just concluded Presidential and National Assembly elections.

Like I have always said , inspite of whatever weaknesses the PDP may have had whilst in Government they never treated Nigerians with the brutality, impunity and disdain that the APC has done over the last seven years.

The APC has taken Nigerians for a ride and has treated us with contempt and disdain all through thier directionless regime.

It is my utmost conviction that the obidients struggle will be in vain if they could not make a change by voting massively against the APC come march 11

We must collaborate , especially in Delta state to make a loud statement with our vote come march 11th The Sherrified movement is just another platform that is made up of thousands of determined youths who seeks to make a radical change in the political history of our people and I see no difference between them and the obidient movement.

Our common enemy as it stands today is the ruling Party (APC) and until we make a strong statement against them in the Governorship and state house of assembly elections nationwide they will continue to, rubbish us ,spit on our faces and take us for a ride in the years to come

I want to specially thank Representatives of the People’s Democratic Party and the Labour Party who resisted the glaring attempt to subvert the will of the people at the collation centre at Abuja.

You guys restored the dignity and honor of the Nigerian People. You gave hope and voice to the oppressed, depressed and demoralized people of this great country. You rekindled the spirit and soul of our people and restored our confidence and faith in ourselves.

You reminded us that we were once a great and courageous people with a noble heritage who bowed to no-one and that we were never destined to be serfs and slaves.

You brought down the glory of our nation and you showed the oppressors that our dignity, our aspirations and collective will can never be broken or taken for granted anymore.

May God, who rules in the affairs of men, who is high and lifted up and whose train fills the temple, be with us and grant us victory over the enemies of our country

May He preserve the peace of our land, dismantle and neutralize the antics and political subjugation foisted on us by enemies of God and may he put our enemies to shame at the end .ijn

My name is
Sanco Ese
I am God’s Pen of Intervention

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