Suspected Hoodlums Allegedly Set Ablaze Family House of Godwin Oguname in Awirhe Community, Injured Others

Ukane Godwin

Suspected hoodlums yet to be identify have allegedly set ablazed Mr. Godwin Oguname’s family house worth millions of Naira in Awirhe Community, Ughelli North LGA, Delta State amidst tears.

Although, there was no life lost, but, the circumstances surrounding the alleged setting ablazed of the family house which led to destruction of so many properties was still yet to be ascertained as at the time of this report,, but a source from the community who did not wants his name to appeared posited that.

“As at about 12 midnight of on the 24th of may 2024, a gand of hoodlums numbering over 15 and others entered the community and proceeded straight to Godwin Oguname’s family compound and set the house ablaze, and at the same time injured one Mrs. Osiebe Egbeburu with weapon to the surprised of people of the community”

According to the source he said, “on February last year precisely 2023 when there was cashless policy in the country, there was #600,000 (Six hundred thousand naira), giving to the mother of Mr.Godwin Oguname, by his brothers to be taking care of their mother, Mama Omotukane Ataranyno to cushion the effect of the situation then”

“As at that time, the bank account of Mr. Godwin Oguname was deactivated which if money was being transfered to could be withdrawn, he (Godwin), decided to give the money to one of his best friends known as Kingsley Ikpera to transfer to his account so that any time his old mother needed money to use, Kingsley will be helping him (Godwin), to withdraw money for Mama Omotukane to use”

Speaking further, the source hinted that, as soon as the money was transfered to Kingsley Ikpera’s account, he started behaving funny to the point when the aged mother asked of money, he will not give to her, he has been doing this for some months, when Godwin asked him of money he said there was no money, however, Ikpera later fell sick, but he was able to paid back the money during the sick period through the help of one of Ikpera’s relations.

The source added that, “suddenly Ikpera Kingsley later gave up the ghost after successful paying back the money, when we heard that Ikpera has paid back the money, we are very happy of the development, but later he died he could not survived the sickness, we are murning Ikpera’s dead when suddenly hoodlums came in the midnight to set Godwin Oguname’s family house ablaze, which we did not know the reason why the hoodlums indulged in such act” The source added.

Some residence, Mr. Magnus Okpako, Mr. Obevweaghoran Benjamin and others who spoke to newsmen lamented that, “we were in our house when we heard noise of the hoodlums coming towards the direction of our house and before we knew it they have already over powered us we are only two and we cannot withstand them we therefore, run for our dear lives, in that process they set all the hole house ablazed as we are speaking with you now, all our properties have all burnt including our school certificates and others, we call on Government to intervene” They lamented.

On his part, the Chairman of the community, Mr. Sunday Igarri who spoke to newsmen condemned the behaviour of the hoodlums, adding that, “as a chairman of the community they did not even consulted me non the leaders of the community before they indulged in such act, describing the action of the hoodlums as illegal” Mr. Sunday Igarri stated.

However, the matter has been reported to B” Divisional Police in Agbarha-Otor Ughelli North, who also came to the scene as early as 7am for investigation,
meanwhile, efforts is on top gear by the men of the B’ divisional Police of Agbarha-Otor to ensure that the suspected hoodlums are arrested.

Picture of the burnt family house of Mr. Godwin Oguname

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