Our attention has been drawn to a publication credited to Collins Ovie Egbetamah, in which he described the laudable judgement of the Election Petition Tribunal in favour of Honourable Chief Brown Onajite as “cash and carry judgement” is disheartening and outright disrespect for the judiciary, democracy and the Udu people.

For a man who sought the mandate of the people to represent them in the Delta State House of Assembly; his insult on the judiciary has unraveled him in his true colours.

He is neither a democrat nor believes in democratic institutions. To describe the lawful and well considered judgment of the Election Tribunal as “cash and carry” when there is provision for him to appeal the judgment is reckless, dubious, spurious and an unmitigated insult on the electorate, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and the judiciary.

Thank God that the Udu people are very discerning and clearly saw the deceit in his persona and candidacy by rejecting him at the poll. If Egbetamah Collins Ovie was truly aspiring to represent the people of Udu, he could have respected their sovereign right to vote for the person of their choice. If he felt dissatisfied, he would have exhausted the legal channels available to him and afterwards respect the institutions that enabled him to exercise his right to participate in the democratic process.

Let it be known that the judgement of the Election Tribunal is on the public domain and can be assessed by the general public. It can be accessed by anybody desirous of doing so. More importantly, Egbetamah still reserves the right to appeal the verdict.

The judgement is a well considered one and based on the evidence presented before the Tribunal as well as the fact that the outcome reflects the will and choice of the people.

Having belatedly announced his intention to appeal, Egbetamah has inflicted unjustifiable damage on our democracy and the reverred judiciary. He has shown himself unfit to represent the people he has no respect for.

Despite his assault on the people and the judiciary, our democracy still upholds and protects his right to appeal the judgment. Hon. Jite Brown is ready for the appeal as truth which remains untainted will always prevail over lies, manipulations and dubious assault on our democracy and the good people of Udu.

Henry Ubuvwerorose
Chief Press Secretary to Executive Chairman of Udu Local Government Council.

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