Publisher Of FactsReporters Ubus Congratulates Oborevwori On Successful First Year In Office

By FactsReporters.

Udu – In a heartfelt message, Comr. Henry Henry Aghogho Ubus the publisher and Editor- In of the online news blog FactsReporters, has extended his congratulations to Delta State Governor, His Excellency Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, on the successful completion of his first year in office. Ubus commended the governor’s transformative achievements and his dedication to the MORE Agenda.

Ubus highlighted the governor’s street credibility and his ability to drive meaningful development in Delta State within a short period. The MORE Agenda, which stands for Meaningful Development, Opportunities for All, Realistic Reforms, and Enhanced Peace and Security, has been a cornerstone of Oborevwori’s administration. Under this agenda, over 300 road projects have been initiated, effectively turning the state into a construction hub.

He urged all Deltans to continue praying for the governor and supporting his efforts to fully realize the MORE Agenda, which aims to improve the quality of life for all residents.

On behalf of the staff and management of FactsReporters, Ubus conveyed his best wishes to the governor, acknowledging his capacity, commitment, and readiness to deliver on his promises. “Governor Oborevwori deserves the continuous support of all Deltans as he continues to showcase exemplary leadership and dedication,” Ubus stated.

As Delta State reflects on a year of significant progress and looks forward to further advancements, the support and prayers of its citizens remain crucial in achieving the shared vision for a prosperous and well-developed state.

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